Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Finals week has come to Grand View. As glad as I will be when this week is over, after that I will not be able to access the Internet for quite a while. Hope I don't miss anything while gone, because asides from the Arts Festival in June, I will be in Japan visiting my grandparents for the first time in 10 years the whole May! Although I plan to have much fun over there, I hope to get lots of things accomplished also. If everything goes as planned, I should be back online and hopefully active by the end of June. See you then!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thinking about symbolism

Being critiqued by a professional artist outside the Grand View community was so refreshing and educational! Des Moines artist Larassa Kabel was invited to critique our visual arts mini-body of work for our capstone class earlier this week, and although I chose not to participate directly(since I am a double major and was able to select certain assignments,) I was very glad I sat through the process. Two visual arts majors and a double major had works and small portfolios to show, and after Ms. Kabel showed us some of her work, she talked about what meant to be an artist to her, how she got to where she was, and gave some great advices.

It made me think more so about what my work meant to me; what are the background on specific symbolism I use? How do I explain them to my audience? What can I do now to be ready if and when someone wishes to see my genuine work? I felt that I still had so much to do before having a sufficient body of work. Before the Arts Festival this summer, I wish to deeply contemplate about those questions. Fun fun =)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Feeling Lucky!

With my last semester of college almost being over, I have been feeling quite hectic. I have been lucky though, since there has been some purchases of my work for the past year. And surprisingly, I was called off the waiting list to join the Emerging Iowa Artist program at the Des Moines Arts Festival! I am so excited, and hope that I will be able to contribute in showcasing some great works.
I am also thankful that I was in it last summer; now I know how to correctly price things ^^; Hopefully my 'new computer fund' will grow; can't wait to try out the CS4 my sister bought me! (or fail at using, one of the two; curse you technology!)

I apologize, I am terrible at keeping this blog up; most likely in the future I shall build myself a separate website to post my works! Until then I'll continue posting them here.