Sunday, July 26, 2009

Works in Progress

I finally have something to show! Both of these pieces are what I am working on right now. They were actually started before the festival, but were not finished in time, so here they are now. Hope to finish one before August.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Not so smooth

Who would've ever thought unpacking would take more than a week....

Bad news to those who were expecting some update with my works within the next week, it is going to take a little longer for me to get on top of things and start painting again. Fatigue from stress and moving and such was a little more overwhelming than I thought it would be. I do not think I'm that far off from schedule, but I do apologize if I take forever doing things....I tend to do that unintentionally.

Well hopefully, I can start making art again soon, because I'm craving it right about now =)