Monday, August 2, 2010

It's been a while ^^;

Sorry for abandoning this blog again! I got caught up with (DA). I did a couple of commissions for my friends, and I was hoping to build my gallery on there. Unfortunately my right wrist has been troubled with every little thing I try to do, whether it be using the mouse, drawing, painting, or even housework. So, my DA page is still not filled up as much as I want it to be. Oh well, I guess there's no other way than to keep at it.

Most of the pieces uploaded on DA is very different from what I've shown here. They're a lot more cartoon-y, which is what I'm used to.

I know, I said I'll work on the paintings, but I end up losing interest in them...either that or I just think they look awful, and stop. I really should get back to them though, since my friend's father is opening up a restaurant and he invited me to hand some of my paintings there. Maybe I should do something big again...hrmm :)