Friday, May 14, 2010

It's going....

Well I did as I said and painted some more. I still find it difficult to call something finished, though. I know I'm close on this one but I'll have to come back to it later. I have 3 more that I wanted to upload but I'll save those for later, since they're much less done than this one.

I'll have to upload an example on the next post, but recently I've been trying to put more detail into my paintings, since they're a lot smaller than what I used to paint. It was very difficult adjusting, but with some struggle and much needed practice, I was able to explore new ways to create images on canvas. It pretty much goes back to what I've done on paper with colored pencils (if anyone has seen them, their the stuff with oceans of detailed hair.) Hope it won't be too long 'til the next post!

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